Sunday, 13 April 2014


Everyone has played games in past or few are still playing games on there computers.Some people think that they can play the game then they can make a game also.Before you read ahead ,i would like to tell you if you or your company has made a game then you can make very very huge money near around more then 10,00,000$ or sometimes 10,00,0000$ with game if your game get success and like by people in market. I hope now you are more eager to read our article because your interest has created about our this article and money oriented goal inside has aroused or you are keenly interested to become a game developer.Now read the following requirements to become a successful game maker:-

A video game programmer is a person who create the game,he must know few things then he/she can become a video game programmer.He must know and sound good know computer languages like he is aware about  at least  C,C++ languages and coding.If you want to make a game then must aware and sound knowledge about these languages.Few persons and game developers think that only C++ language is enough but our point of view and after research we found that if he also know C LANGUAGE AND ALSO C++ then probability is very higher to get a game succeeded in market.After that he must aware about good coding ,coding means in a simple way to make a game works,you know C OR C++ LANGUAGE OR BOTH,but if you don't know how to code and work ,it is like a blind man he doesn't know where he is going but what he is doing walking and walking .Now sum up is a game programmer is mind of game development/making.If you haven't this person it means you are wasting your money,time and energy.

   Artist a person who will draw/make pictures and images and photos in 2d or 3d for your game.Whoever will play your made game he will saw your made game from his/her eyes ,if in game looks (images/photos/pictures) eye catching it means more buyers.Now these days artist like to call them self animators or sanitation engineers. 

   They make music for your game ,background music/game music is utmost important role in game.

   producer is a person who will help you to make a game with the help of there money,in simple words he is investor.He will hire artist ,musician,programmer,and many things in money terms.He is backbone of game making.Sometimes he can be a programmer and investor also and sometimes he can not be no knowledge about programming.Sometimes big companies do role of producer,better is do your investment for your games.

Designers is a person who will create a story line and who and what be in the game for your game.
Normally the programmer do this thing.

HA,i don't like this guy so much.why?Because this a guy who wants to take 95% of the profit not less then 90% and he will tell you that his part is very important to get success of game in market,will do marketing,selling and promotion and you must be grateful for him that you are getting 5% or 10% of profit.

So you know the requirements of to become a game developer.If you like our article then don't forget to follow us,and comments are welcome.

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